Friday, March 2, 2012

Four Weeks

I am almost through my fourth week and I am feeling pretty good. I have hardly suffered from any symptoms these last few days; which I am very grateful for!
As you can probably tell, I'm not showing much at all. What I am showing is some major bloating, but that is to be expected. I'm not the smallest girl out there, so I am very anxious to see if I develop a baby bump or if I just appear to look heavier. I guess we will just have to wait and see!
I have my first and second doctor's appointments made and they aren't until April 2nd and 9th; which is a bit disappointing but as long as Brian is able to be there I won't mind the wait. He is giving work a month's notice so they had better not give us any issues with him having those days off.
Brian and I have some what started discussing what we would like to do for the baby's bedroom since we are going to be moving in about a month. We are going to be moving to the other side of town and are hoping that we are approved for a three bedroom duplex since we are going to be needing that extra bedroom space. But as far as that, we haven't really had much of an opportunity to discuss any name possibilities and what not.
Now, as far as symptoms, like I said I haven't been experiencing too many these last few days. Sometimes I wonder if I am even still pregnant! But then the extreme fatigue and crazy emotions kick in and I remember, "Oh, yeah!".  I haven't had much heartburn, I've experienced some very mild nausea, and only had a craving for cheese pizza and cream soda. I have noticed that my fingers are kind of swollen which makes putting my rings on a little more difficult.
Remembering to take my Prenatal Vitamins is proving to be a challenge on those days that Brian is home from work and we are out running around. Drinking a lot of water and trying to stay away from foods high in sugar and fat is not as difficult as I thought it would be, but then again, it is only the first few weeks.              Saying goodbye to Brian as he headed back to base was extremely difficult; even more so than usual. I'm used to being by myself all of the time while he is gone, but with my emotions on hiatus, this time around it was just disastrous. I couldn't stop myself from crying and clinging to him as if I would never see him again and I hate myself for doing that, but I just couldn't control those emotions. I could tell that he felt terrible for having to leave, but duty calls and when they call, you don't have a choice but to go.
Ooh these emotions!! They aren't fun at all.

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