Monday, May 12, 2014

Twenty Weeks (and up) w/ Baby #2

Hello friends!
Well I have made it to my twenty-second week of pregnancy and the nerves have been high since we are now in the "danger zone". Until I make it passed twenty-eight weeks, I will be hoping and hoping that my body will maintain this pregnancy.
I did get some bad news this morning at my cervix check. Today was supposed to be my last one, but it appears that I will be going back in about a week to have things checked out again. My cervix has started to shorten and my placenta is approximately two centimeters from my cervix.
It appears history is repeating itself.
The only difference is this time I've got a toddler here at home and my husband is deployed. So you can only imagine how scared I am to go through everything again. The doctor was very blunt with me, stating that there is not anything that can be done if I happen to deliver before the next appointment because the baby is not viable. If delivery were to occur, I fear this baby will not survive.
So, when I go in on May 21st, we will know what the next step will be. I will either be prepared for a cerclage or I will start preparing for a premature delivery; complete with steroid shots, antibiotics, etc. etc. Just like before...
I have taken all of the necessary steps that I can in order to let Brian know what is going on. The battalion has been informed and we shall see where that takes us. Unfortunately nothing can be done until I know the results of this next appointment.
So we wait...

But bad news aside, everything has been great. I have been feeling little baby move and kick and I have been feeling great aside from the sore rear from the weekly Makena shots. I have been experiencing the usual pregnancy woes, but nothing out of the ordinary. So of course you can imagine the shock I experienced with the news from today.

How far along? 22 weeks, 5 days.
Total weight gain: 20 pounds.
Maternity clothes?  Yes.
Stretch marks? Yes. 
Sleep: Still tossing and turning.
Best moment of this week? It's been a tough week...
Miss anything? Missing Brian (every day!)
Movement: Lots of little kicks and bumps. 
Food cravings? None really.
Anything making you queasy or sick? When I don't drink enough water I get really nauseated.
Labor signs: Shortening cervix.
Symptoms: Basic aches and pains, nothing unusual. 
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? Still wearing them.
Happy or moody most of the time? Very worried.
Looking forward to: Finding out what is going on...anxiously awaiting this next appointment.

We found out baby's gender and I am happy to announce that baby is a girl and that she has a name.

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